Managing Purchases
Managing purchases necessitates a professional approach. KredTrade will assist you in effectively managing your purchases in India by conducting product-specific research for your requirements. We will also help you manage your inventory and ensure that you receive the shipments on time.

Managing Your Bulk Purchases
Managing bulk purchases or year-long contracts can be a cumbersome process. Therefore, it’s essential to take care of every aspect to leverage the entire process efficiently.
KredTrade helps you in –
● Getting timely procurements which help in keeping track of transit time.
● Keeping an eye on the entire procurement process and ensuring that bulk purchases are managed seamlessly.
● Procurement from multiple manufacturers in cases where a single vendor cannot fulfil the order.
Inventory Management
Inventory size plays a vital part in managing purchases and there can be various difficulties that can arise if the inventory is poorly managed.
KredTrade helps you in
● Inventory optimization to ensure the shipments are received as per schedule
● Keeping a safety stock of inventory to help you when demand-supply fluctuates
● Keeping inventory up-to-date and detecting loopholes in the early stages

Quality Research
Managing purchases involves robust research. Whether it is competitor pricing, time involved, or quality of materials that will be procured research plays a vital role.
We help you in –
● Conducting detailed research about manufacturers, their location, the type of materials they offer.
● Checking material quality delivered by the suppliers and researching delivery time lag, lead time to bring forth the best to fulfill your purchasing needs.
● Researching and analyzing the competitive prices and putting forth multiple quotations to choose from.
Vendor Management
Understanding and keeping up with the vendor profiles is crucial in maintaining healthy relationships and ensuring smooth deliveries of quality materials at each procurement stage.
We aid you in –
● Documenting and integrating all the information about all the suitable vendors across India
● Vendor management and giving you varied choices from a pool of vendors
● Compiling and giving you the consolidated vendor related information in one place to enable effective decision-making